A Driving Reflection: Educators Need To Share!

It has been a busy two days. I have many ideas to write up and reflect on from ITEC14, but while I need some time to think and organize my thoughts I thought I would share a quick thought I had while driving home from ITEC yesterday.

I would love to know your thoughts so feel free to drop a line.

Here are the links to everything online from my sessions



coffeeforthebrain.com/speedgeekitec/ #itec14

2 throughts on "A Driving Reflection: Educators Need To Share!"

  1. Thank you for being a fantastic presenter for us! I was only able to make one session, with being on the board, and I am glad I went to your tink tank session. Keep inspiring educators to bring the love of learning back to the classroom.

    1. Thank you so much for the opportunity to present. It is an honor to have a chance to share ideas with others. The conference was amazing so thank you for all of your hard work. Glad you were able to make it to a session. Thanks for reaching out. Appreciated more than you know!

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