Coffeechug Weekly Dose of Caffeine Returns In New Format

Tomorrow I am bringing back my newsletter. I have let things sit quietly here on the website. I have just decided to take a break from it all this summer and find new things to inspire me. One of my new ideas is the return of my newsletter, but in a bit of a different format. My new format will be for my book reviews. I am no longer going to post my book reviews on my site. I want to give a bit more narrowed focus to my site as I am all over the place as I look back at what I posted the last year. This will allow me to still read and share my insights and thoughts on the books, but just not take up the space on this site.

So, if you are interested in what I am reading you will need to subscribe to my newsletter

You can click on any of the past ones to subscribe.

Tomorrow I will be writing about three books and two book lists that people shared with me when I posted the following on Twitter, Facebook, and Play and Tinkering in the Classroom PD on G+. Please send in your summer reading lists or books people should read. I love hearing from others.

Alright, I am back to decluttering my life and in particular our basement which is just a level of stuff. I cannot believe how many things I own that serve zero purpose.

Until tomorrow, stay reading and challenging your thinking.


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