Help Needed! Passion Postcard Chalk Project #coffeechugPLN

I will be speaking on Passion Driven Classrooms at the World Council of Gifted and Talented Conference coming up in two weeks. I am very excited along with a mixture of nerves as this is the biggest speaking event I have been part of in my career.

Today I was working on finalizing my speech and typing it all up and prepping the necessary materials. A week ago my wife came up with an amazing idea that I have now developed and ready to test out.

At the end of my presentation I am going to challenge my audience to begin to think about and spread their passion right then and there. I am hoping that it will spark a positive vibe with messages spreading at the conference and beyond.

As I was working on the website to share their examples I realized that I need some examples to help jump start the motivation to submit works.

So, I am asking all of you blog readers and members of the #coffeechugPLN to help me.

I am asking for the following which is the same as my presentation. I will be providing my audience with a Passion Toolkit. It will contain post it notes, a blank postcard, and a piece of chalk. My challenge to them will be to spread their passion, take pictures, email the images to me so I can load up the website.

Here is a basic part of my speech about the toolkit:

We are going to start right here, right now by sharing our passion. I have provided you a Passion Toolkit. In this minimal toolkit you have a massive amount of power to share your passion.

I have equipped you with a piece of chalk. Right here at this conference, I challenge you to write a message about passion on a sidewalk or somewhere where chalk can be used. Spread the message. Don’t be scared. Take a picture and share it online on twitter using #coffeechugPLN or share it to me by emailing at
Second I have provided you a postcard. It is blank. At the beginning of the year, every student views teachers as all the same. They group us in this blank category of a bunch of Mrs. and Mr. What image are you going to paint on the blank canvas of their minds to leave a powerful impression that you and your class is worth their time? The challenge is to take this blank postcard and decorate it to showcase your passion. There are no rules or restrictions. How will you brand yourself to stand out to the students? Just like the piece of chalk please share your design online via twitter at #coffeechugPLN or email me. I have built a website that will showcase all the postcards and chalk designs of passion. I hope to spread this message and continue to add to the site as I present and network with people. My goal is to share, spread, and offer insight into the minds of so many amazing educators across the world.

I thank you for allowing me to present and look forward to possibly connecting with as many of you as I can during this conference or beyond. Thanks and let us start sharing our passion today!

I will share the link to the website in a few days. I have a few things left to create and modify before it goes public. In the meantime I asking all of you to help by creating messages on post it notes, sidewalk chalk on sidewalks/driveways, and taking a postcard/blank card stock and showcase your passion. What is you WOW? that students will associate with you. 

Please create some great messages, quotes, artistic designs and email to me. I will upload and share the link in a few days. The more examples I have the better I think the outcome will be for this presentation.

Thank you for considering and look forward to the amazing ideas that you awesome #coffeechugPLN tribe members will contribute!

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