I have been using Facebook WRONG all this time…….

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I am about halfway through my second reading of  Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook: How to Tell Your Story in a Noisy Social World by Gary Vaynerchuk  and I have realized that I use Facebook wrong. First, I would like to apologize to all my friends and family for the annoying double post of photos that I submit as I finally turned off the share option from Flickr. Every single time I shared a photo from Instagram or other service it would go to Facebook and Flickr. The problem was that Flickr would send another copy to Facebook. After months of this I have that figured out.

I also realized that I need to change some things and here they are in no particular order.

1. I need a logo for Coffee For The Brain. I am working with some high school students to make this happen.

2. I need a page for Coffee For The Brain so I don’t annoy all my family and friends with education posts. I have done that with a page for CFTB that will operate separate from my day to day posts.

3. No hashtags on Facebook. I am terrible at this especially when I cross post from Instagram. Will work to distinguish separate feeds between platforms.

4. Link with an image and not just boring text. Text does not grab attention on FB, visuals do.

5. Don’t provide the answer. I am terrible at this, but working towards leading a discussion or thought so people respond as opposed to just listening to my own thoughts. This might be the toughest one to overcome.

I am not promoting business or marketing, but instead working on how to deliver quality content that people find engaging. As I challenge myself for 2014 to bring a more professional feel to my thoughts and PLN working on my FB platform is one that needs a lot of work.

What are you doing with social media to engage more people in your PLN?

What strategies have you found to work?


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