You made it! If you are reading this, then I know you have received your postcard. Did you think I would forget? I hope not!

So what now?

I hope you stuck to your goal your wrote for yourself after attending the session. Now it is time to showcase to the world what you have accomplished. I have created a padlet for you to post your work. Enter a picture, video, text, or a combo showcasing what you were able to accomplish. It is important for us to be inspired by your work in order to keep things moving forward from ideas into action.

Most importantly, no matter if you met your goal or not, I hope you MADE A DIFFERENCE! I hope that between when we came together to learn and now that you impacted the lives of students in positive manner. If not, then stop what you are doing right now and make a plan to do so!


Made with Padlet


Last, don’t be afraid to leave a comment and celebrate the work of others. If you have a new goal go ahead and post on the Padlet as well.

Share on social media as well using the #makergoals hashtag

[shareable cite=”Coffeechug”]We want to be a celebration of yeasayers not naysayers.[/shareable]