Mystery Box Item #3 Teacher Creativity Challenge

Today we bring you item #3. The work created so far from items 1 and 2 have been remarkable and I cannot wait to see what you come up with for the challenge today.

I know what you are thinking….. the title says 3, but the item says 4. We had a video issue so we are switching ideas, but no worries as it is all good. If you are playing from home, then it does not mess with you at all.

Here is the video for today and I know you will love this one and not just because my wife is awesome!

How can you use this item in the classroom? Think about some unique ways in which this item might be used to enhance learning. And yes, you can dig around online if you can’t think of anything on your own! 

If you missed the previous two, then check the links below and join in the fun. This is not school with deadlines! Just don’t lose out on the sharing and interactions with one another.

Mystery Box #2 Teacher Creativity Challenge

Mystery Box #1 Teacher Creativity Challenge 

I am running this as part of a Deeper Learning in the Classroom through Projects course. We are sharing and connecting online via Slack. If you would like to join the network and share and discuss ideas please send me an email so I can invite you.

This document provides a general overview of the challenge.

Please share your designs online with the #coffeepbl hashtag. Get your kids involved and we cannot wait to see your build and ideas.

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