Office Clean-Up Update

Alright, so last week I posted how terrible my office looked as I was working on organizing my books. I have spent all day Sunday working on my office trying to declutter and get over the fact that I don’t need to keep everything. I purchased two large bookshelves and quickly filled them up. I contemplated buying a third, but when I went back to the store the last two were full of broken pieces. I took that as a sign that I don’t need a third bookcase, but rather I should get rid of the books that I know I will never read again so….
Today I went to you don’t have an account with this site, then you need to. Trade books you don’t want and request ones you do want. All free. You just pay postage) and I posted 129 books to my account. I have about 50 more I should post, but I am stressed that I might possibly give this many away(13 of them have been requested already)
I also recycled about 100 magazines. I have about 100 I was not able to depart with. Yes, I know I have issues.

I also have gone through some of my electronics and posted about 10 things on ebay. Another big step, but some of these things have not been touched in years.
I still have a long way to go, but much progress was made today. I will hopefully have everything in perfect shape by the end of the week despite the fact that I have a 6 page single spaced paper and four other college assignments due, it is the end of the 3rd quarter for school and the week before Spring Break. So, wish me luck and hopefully the motivation stays strong.

Here are the current pictures so far of the office(check out last week’s video to see how it looked).

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