Spike The Elf Has Returned

Last night the tradition of “Elf on the Shelf” book and activities were in full swing. The kids realized that the Elf was hidden somewhere in the house. I have never seen my son be so happy and he could barely contain his excitment. I had the Elf who my children have named Spike Elfy Elf in a Spiderman Ball Blaster toy he received for his birthday early from my parents(he was born on New Years Eve)

It took all of about 30 seconds for Aiden to track him down once he realized that he was out hiding. He went crazy, his eyes grew large and I honestly thought he was going to explode with excitement. I thought to myself “Alright, at least they are happy about the Elf and this will be okay to hide it everyday until Christmas”. Well, Aiden and Addy turned up the Elf duties a notch.

They were down there working away and since they were not fighting we just let it be. To my surprise they had a conversation with the Elf in which he told them everything we told the kids about the Elf such as having magic powers to get out of the box to hide, watching every movement, etc. Aiden and Addy felt the need to go ahead and feed him to make sure he was not hungry from all of his flying. Note to Self: Don’t forget to eat and remove the food at night!

**You can see the food scraps at the bottom of the picture.**

Well, not only did they decided to feed him, but they went ahead and set out the book that comes with the Elf. Aiden told me that he can read or else he would not know what to tell Santa! Then he told me that since he can write he should be able to write. So, my son created a writing assignment for Elf to see if he was real. He created a form where Elf had to write the word parrot under the parrot picture and snowman under the snowman picture. Note to Self: Don’t forget to complete writing homework and make sure it is not your own handwriting.

Finally, I had to come up with a new spot. I went obvious and just moved him around the corner to their little kitchen play set. As I write this I had to stop because they came down and Aiden just about wet his pants that Spike Elfy Elf read the book, did the writing, and ate his food. If only we had an Elf year round. 

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