Teacher Thoughts on Dan Pink: To Sell Is Human Part 4

I am reading Daniel Pink, To Sell Is Human. As I read I have marked down some passages that I think are worth discussing. I am trying to read this book from the mindset of an educator and coach. As I read I am trying to figure out ways in which his ideas can be applied to teaching and coaching. I will do my best to explain my thoughts, questions, insights, etc. the best I can in hopes that it creates some dialogue to pursue further.

I will admit that at first I was not really digging the book. I have read his other books and loved them! This one did not quite grab me at first. However, when I started to look at the stories, examples, and ideas through the lens of education it really changed things and I really found the book to be powerful.

As I continue to type up my notes and ideas from the book I come to the next place that I marked to discuss.

One little story that really spoke to me was the story of Jay Goldberg and his perception of dealing with negativity. Jay had wrote letters to every single MLB team for an internship. Twenty five wrote rejection letters with Yankees never responding. He kept them all and used it as motivation to not quit. He says, “The letters gave me a little smile every time I look at them.” Dan Pink says it best, “how you see rejection often depends on how you frame it.”

I think this speaks volumes. Not everything can be perfect. There are times when it is hard to sustain a vision or passion when your idea or passion continues to get torn apart. You have to use it as fuel. Often times the biggest and best ideas are the ones most denied because they are different from the norm. They stand out as crazy and not a good idea. However, once given the freedom it is amazing where it can go. This is a great reminder to myself to keep pushing myself to be the best I can be in the classroom and to not give up on my passions and goals in life. Reading this passage again with the events currently unfolding around me could not have been any more perfect.

I like the idea of writing yourself a rejection letter and to check out the Rejection Generator Project http://ow.ly/cQ5rl

This idea really stand out to me: Finding the Right Problem to Solve. I often wonder if we are identifying the right problem in the first place? I need to rethink my current ideals and issues that I have and really ask if I am identifying the right problem.  Am I trying to solve the problem or find a problem? Is one better than the other? Dan Pink thinks so…..

Businesses are changing the way the hire and who they hire. They want people who can see a situation and brainstorm new opportunities. They want people with insight. Anyone can access any information they want. The key is to find the right problem to solve. We are shifting from problem solving to problem finding.

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