Time to read a good series AGAIN

Very rarely do I reread books. It would have to be a book that really holds a dear place for me and there are only three books that I can think of that I have read more than once due to my love for the words.

1. Tuesdays with Morrie – Mitch Albom
2. Catcher in the Rye – J.D. Salinger
3. Breakfast of Champions – Kurt Vonnegut

* I thought about placing Harry Potter in the mix as I read all the books twice, but that was due to refreshing my memory of events in anticipation of each new release.

I was on YouTube and found myself super excited about the upcoming release (Feb. 2010) of the book Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Lightning Thief. I was trying to remember all that went on in the book as I remember booktalking the book quite heavily and really enjoying the storyline. However, that was a couple years ago. I have decided to go ahead and read the series again amongst my massive TBR pile. One more thing to add to my list.

Here is the trailer that caught my eye. The movie looks quite good based on these couple minutes.

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