#Trust30 – Writing Prompt #2 – How would you describe today using only one sentence?

I signed up to be part of this writing project by one of my favorite people on the internet, Seth Godin. It is called the Trust 30 Project.

#Trust30 is an online initiative and 30-day writing challenge that encourages you to look within and trust yourself. Use this as an opportunity to reflect on your now, and to create direction for your future. 30 prompts from inspiring thought-leaders will guide you on your writing journey. 

 I am a few days behind so I will be catching up on the writing prompts by posting a few a day until I am caught up.

Here is the website if you want to learn more and join. Please let me know if you join so I can read your posts.



Want to talk about this prompt? Join the discussion on Twitter and Facebook.

Your genuine action will explain itself, and will explain your other genuine actions. Your conformity explains nothing. The force of character is cumulative. – Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance

If ‘the voyage of the best ship is a zigzag line of a hundred tacks,’ then it is more genuine to be present today than to recount yesterdays.

How would you describe today using only one sentence?

Tell today’s sentence to one other person. Repeat each day.
(Author: Liz Danzico)

The steam engine starts slowly chugging coffee to prepare for the unknown obstacles, challenges, and adventures that await in the great vastness of the sea because we never know when the journey will end.

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