Working on my #minimalist lifestyle

I have not posted much lately about how I am trying to live a more fulfilling life of less goods and materials and more on streamline my life to be more productive. I have been working on this quite a bit to really lead by example. It is not easy and something I have been working on since the summer.

Here are some things that I am trying to wrap my mind and habits around.

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1. Be clear about goals and motivation – I have found that when I don’t have a clear path to achievement then things don’t get done. I must work to keep myself in check. A few things I have found to be helpful are to create mini milestones, checkpoints to evaluate my progress, and to write daily about how I am doing. I find that when I don’t write each day about my progress then I lose sight. Reflection is key to anything in life, but is really important when reaching goals and visions. The key is to really have an honest talk with yourself about what you want to accomplish.

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2. Identify important elements – As you work towards leading a better life and reaching the milestones you want to achieve don’t lose sight of what is important. Balance is very important. I have blogged before that I don’t think balance is really attainable, but it is something we should strive for in our lives. When you check yourself daily then you can assess to make sure things are not out of whack. Don’t sacrifice family and loved ones. Don’t sacrifice health. Don’t sacrifice professional growth. It is about keeping it all in check.

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3. Flexible – don’t beat yourself up if things don’t go according to plan. Life is not a linear path. Be ready to make adjustments. If you don’t hit a checkpoint, reflect and come up with a new plan to get back on the road to success. Don’t dwell on the past, but continue to work towards making the future a success.


4. Be mindful – remember that every decision we make has a impact on our life’s chain of cause and effect.


“Coffeechug Minimalist Ideas”:

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