In education, we always discuss curriculum, instructional strategies, and assessment, yet one of the most influential but overlooked components of learning is the very space in which it happens. Learning…Read more
image from Curisoity Collective week 3 session We are now into week 4 of a tiny experiment process for a school I am supporting and as I have been…Read more
Assessing the Experiment Week 3 marked an interesting and pause and pivotal moment with a sign of a space to grow my persistence in my journey through the Curiosity Collective….Read more
image from Curisoity Collective week 2 session Moving from Experimentation to Commitment Having successfully tested the waters in the first week, Week 2 was about fully stepping into the practice…Read more
Here is the previous newsletter from last week if you need backstory Over the past two weeks, we have embarked on a journey to rethink productivity and accountability in education…Read more
Sometimes life brings ideas and spaces together in ways you don’t always know will occur, but when they spaces overlap in goodness it is exciting. As I have been a…Read more
How can play, discovery, and inquiry fuel creativity in education? This question has been at the core of a series of professional development opportunities exploring the power of play in…Read more
**Note that last week I wrote about my thoughts on this book from Chapter 1 in case you want to see the initial thinking** In The Extinction of Experience, Christine…Read more
Last week, I shared insights from a full-day professional development (PD) session on Productivity & Accountability and introduced a 10-week newsletter series to help educators take small, meaningful steps toward…Read more
Back in January I was listening to one of my all time longest running favorite podcasts that has never left my feed, Six Pixels of Separation, where Mitch Joel interviewd…Read more