2020 Edition #25daysofmaking Day 20: Light Up Paper Ornaments

Hello all my maker friends,

Welcome to Maker Day 20.

Here is the next project for you to explore, make, interact with, and share your creations!

Please share what you make and do. Share your thoughts. Let’s get connected build some community during these times of isolation.

Day 20 Project:

Read about the project here:

Light Up Paper Ornaments


Heather Lister is the Chief Education Officer at Construct Learning and a K-12 instructional media specialist.

A lover of all things physical computing, Heather loves combining the digital and the physical.

Web: www.heatherlister.com

Twitter/Insta: @heathermlister

Email: heather@constructlearning.org

Bio: See all bios on our Maker Page

Share and Connect

Reach out to me aarmau (at) gmail (dot) com

Join our  FB Group dedicated to this project to ask questions, share ideas, and connect with other makers. We have had a lot of new faces join the group so let’s get connecting!

Flipgrid Topic – Here is a topic to share your build, ask questions, etc.


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