208: Jordan Turner From Challenge To Change – Creating Space for Vulnerability and Well-Being in Education


In this conversation,  Jordan discusses the importance of mindfulness and emotional intelligence in education. Jordan shares her journey in education and how she found her passion for mindful education. We talk about Challenge to Change, an organization that provides social and emotional well-being tools and strategies to all ages. Jordan emphasizes the need for educators to establish their why and noble goal, and to take the time to pause and reflect on their emotions. She also highlights the importance of providing space for vulnerability and self-care in the education system. In this conversation, Jordan discusses the importance of educator wellness and the KCG framework. We emphasize the need for educators to know themselves, choose themselves, and give themselves grace. We also highlight the significance of emotions and the power of taking a pause. Jordan shares her personal experiences and the impact of practicing self-awareness and self-care. We discuss the need for education to focus on the whole child and provide educators with the tools and support they need to prioritize their well-being. The conversation ends with a reflection on the importance of showing up for others and spreading love.



All platforms and past episodes: https://coffeeforthebrain.com/podcasts/

Direct Link: https://coffeechug.simplecast.com/episodes/208



  • Mindfulness and emotional intelligence are essential in education to support the well-being of both students and educators.
  • Establishing a noble goal and understanding one’s why can help educators stay connected to their purpose and navigate challenges.
  • Taking the time to pause, reflect on emotions, and choose self-care strategies can help educators manage stress and prevent burnout.
  • Providing space for vulnerability and self-care in the education system is crucial for the overall well-being of educators and students. Educators need to prioritize their own well-being and practice self-awareness and self-care.
  • The KCG framework (Know Yourself, Choose Yourself, Give Yourself) can help educators navigate difficult situations and manage their emotions.
  • Emotions are data and should be acknowledged and understood.
  • Education should focus on the whole child and provide educators with the tools and support they need.
  • Showing up for others and spreading love can have a profound impact on individuals and communities.

Sound Bites

  • “Mindfulness and emotional intelligence are essential in education.”
  • “Establishing a noble goal and understanding one’s why can help educators stay connected to their purpose.”
  • “Taking the time to pause, reflect on emotions, and choose self-care strategies can help educators manage stress and prevent burnout.”
  • “Emotions that are in your body for like six seconds.”\”KCG: Know Yourself, Choose Yourself, Give Yourself”


00:00 Introduction and Background
10:30 The Work of Challenge to Change
23:07 Creating Space for Self-Reflection
27:40 Challenges of Bringing Mindfulness Practices into Schools
29:36 The Importance of Emotions in Education
33:55 Managing Emotions in Challenging Situations
38:14 Bringing Emotional Intelligence into the Classroom
44:48 Creating a Culture of Empathy and Understanding


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