25 Day Challenge of Education and Productivity

I have a new challenge. In the month of March I want to post a challenge a day where people will be sharing out quick and easy techniques and tips to help us become better educators and people. I am hoping that at least 25 of you are brave enough to share a tip that you use to make it through the day.

I am still in awe over how  many of us have the unsure feeling of sharing. I am working hard in 2015 to help spread more teacher voice and empowerment.

This challenge is designed to allow some of you to share the great things you do.

Here are the details.

1. Pick out one idea from either teaching or life that you think others could benefit from and gain an edge.

Teaching – these ideas could be on learning targets, checking for understanding, assessments, tools, tech, classroom management, PBL, STEM, etc.

Life – these ideas could be on mindfulness, balance, productivity, art, creativity, relaxing, etc.

2. Double check that the idea is super easy to implement where it would take no more than 5 minutes to setup or attempt. I am not timing to the second, but the ideas should be doable for us to do the next day and report back.

3. Fill out the form so I can give you credit and properly explain the idea you have shared.

4. Please make sure you have recorded your podcast explanation to my Google Voice so I can use that in the audio portion of the post.

5. Spread the message and participate in the other ideas shared. Be sure to report back on what you thought about the idea.


I am really excited to see what you share! Be brave. Step outside the comfort zone and help others by sharing your wisdom. Your voice matters.

I await your ideas. While I wait I will be creating a few myself.

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