#25daysofmaking Day 11: MICRO:BIT TREE ORNAMENT

25 Days of Making

2019 Edition

Boom! Here we are. Day 11

Another amazing project. Another one for you to build and use in your classroom. What I love about this one is that it contains some physical computing so we can weave in some computer science elements.

Pauline is helping us from the other side of world from Holland and helping us with our global reach. She has so many increcible resources and projects so be sure to explore her website and social media. While this is one micro:bit project, she literally has hundreds for you to explore.

I am so glad our paths crossed to have her be part of this event.

Learn more about the Pauline on our maker page.

Head over to the project page and get started. It is not to late to add one more ornament to your tree!

Join our  FB Group dedicated to this project to ask questions, share ideas, and connect with other makers.

Finally, I would love to hear from you. What projects excite you? What are you learning so far? Don’t be shy, let us know your thoughts, ideas, and inspiration.


Even if you don’t have time to make this for the holidays, consider how you can take the concept and use it in a different method. There are so many crossover projects with this concept that you can use it year round.

Add your project or any other projects you are working on through these options to share how you approached today’s challenge or the one from yesterday. Then, check out and comment on some other examples when they are shared.


Take a moment to reflect on your creative process? Create a notebook, use a Google Doc, Evernote, Word Document….. What did you like most about your project? What would you do with it next, if you had more time? What are you planning to do?

Looking forward to hearing your adventures in making

If you are new to this project challenge, then start here to learn more https://sites.google.com/view/25-days-of-making/home

If you do any making, then please share so the person who time to share this project can see their work in action along with spreading the power of hands on learning and making. Learn more about sharing here

All right, back to the work and making.


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