#25daysofmaking Day 23 NEEDLE FELTED ORNAMENTS

“Maybe I’ll achieve the end of this exercise. But really, if we’re all going to be honest with ourselves, achieving the end of the exercise was never the point of the exercise to begin with, was it?”—Adam Savage

Dear zen needle felting friends,

Welcome to day 23. Winter break has arrived. The morning seems extra quiet. A different peace is in the air. My coffee tastes a bit better and life seems a bit slower.

For the moment.

How do we keep this feeing going? The project today by Sarah Magner is one that can recreate this magic. I first did needle felting this past summer. I fell in love with it. I have gone to make a couple items since then. What I love about needle felting is how it puts you in a trance. You will watch students enter their own worlds once they gain the technique which is quite simple(at least the beginner techniques that I know).

Many of you whom I know(especially in Iowa who have received the STEM Scale Up grant) have all the materials needed to do this project with students. It is a fun, inexpensive hobby, with unlimited artistic avenues to explore.

Take some time over break and learn a new project. Have the kids at grandma’s house do some needle felting. Let the magic begin!


The project today is going to teach you all about needle felting. Sarah has done an incredible job explaining everything you need to know to do this beginner project making ornaments. One you gain the skills you can easily begin to infuse many of the skills gained from previous projects as she discusses how to add LED lights and more.

Be sure to check online for project ideas and your local library. Trust me, kids love this and we know you will too!

We hope you enjoy the 23rd day of making a project.


Add your project or any other projects you are working on through these options to share how you approached today’s challenge or the one from yesterday. Then, check out and comment on some other examples when they are shared.

Besides using the hashtag #25daysofmaking on Instagram and Twitter I am also posting the projects over on Facebook so you can interact on this platform as well.

Finally, don’t forget to head over to Flipgrid and introduce yourself and/or your students!


This element is important! Don’t neglect reflection on your own learning. We must be lifelong learners and be models to our students.

Take a moment to reflect on your creative process by sharing with the hashtags and other mediums. Let us start a conversation about this concept. How did remixing help you? What questions do you still have about remixing?

Aaron “Coffeechug” Maurer

P.S. Did you miss the previous days? Check out the site and get caught up. It’s never too late to start!

P.P.S. Want to share that you’re participating? Here’s a #25daysofmaking digital sticker.


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