#25daysofmaking Project 7 Signature Photo Frame 🔲

The best thing about memories is making them.

Dear makers,

Welcome to day 7. We are one week in with so many exciting ideas. If you have not had a chance to share your thoughts or ideas, then today would be a good day to share your ideas. Let us know what projects you love, which ones you plan on making, or share any images of what you are currently making. Let us start to strengthen the community through sharing, support, and praise.

Today is all about creating art through a means that could really make a lasting impact. In this project you will add a personal touch to a picture frame by capturing the handwriting of someone you care about. I see so many possibilities of a classroom project with this idea. I am developing one right now and cannot wait to share with you how it turns out.

Today we bring you project 7 which is a making a personalized picture frame using a paper cutter or other design tools. Just imagine the look on the face of a parent of a kid who made one of these. This is one I know people will love and cannot wait to see some examples. Head on over to  Day 7 of 25 Days of Making, as we make a signature photo frame.


Explore all the different ways this can be done. Josh provides clear instructions and a variety of methods for making the signature to then send it over to your paper cutter or even your 3D printer. Play around with different methods for creating designs.


Add your project or any other projects you are working on through these options to share how you approached today’s challenge or the one from yesterday. Then, check out and comment on some other examples when they are shared.

Besides using the hashtag #25daysofmaking on Instagram and Twitter I am also posting the projects over on Facebook so you can interact on this platform as well.

Finally, don’t forget to head over to Flipgrid and introduce yourself and/or your students!


This element is important! Don’t neglect reflection on your own learning. We must be lifelong learners and be models to our students.

Take a moment to reflect on your creative process? Create a notebook, use a Google Doc, Evernote, Word Document….. What did you like most about your project? What would you do with it next, if you had more time? What are you planning to do?

Looking forward to hearing your adventures in making

Aaron “Coffeechug” Maurer

P.S. Did you miss the previous days? Check out the site and get caught up. It’s never too late to start!

P.P.S. Want to share that you’re participating? Here’s a #25daysofmaking digital sticker.

Head here to learn more about the project and instructions!


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