The following four questions are not earth shattering. They are quite simple and common sense. However, how often have you sat in a group meeting during a prep trying to…Read more
Cubes of Compartmentalization
Many schools and education facilities are setup and designed like little mini ice cube trays. Each little cube is a chamber about a specific, isolated topic. Each cube is a…Read more
Science Experiment Conversation
I am going back and cleaning up the 100+ blog posts I have written since 2009 that have never been published. Some are too personal to share, some never finished,…Read more
Coffeechug Book Review: The Teaching Brain
Finally a book about education that places an emphasis on the importance of teachers in the equation of learning in school. This book explores the issues in education reform today…Read more
How I Know Education Is Headed Down The Wrong Path
Very simple really My daughter has transformed our entire basement to a classroom/makerspace(which is AWESOME!!!!!). She always plays school. She grades papers, has seating charts, hallway signs, etc. The other…Read more
Just because it was not supposed to hurt my feelings doesn’t mean it doesn’t still hurt them
These were the words from my daughter this week. This statement broke my heart. My daughter had a rough day the other day. I won’t go into details because I…Read more
My Dead Fish Showcases The Need for Deeper Learning
I came back to my room the other day and unlocked my door to a terrible smell. It was super strong and not pleasant by any means. I finally tracked…Read more
Young Engineers of Today Spring Lab 4: PVC Trebuchet
For lab this week we have one more final ancient engineering challenge. Students have been studying all sorts of CAD programming. The last few weeks in webinars they have…Read more
Young Engineers of Today: Spring Lab 3: Soldering 101
A few weeks back we had our third lab for Spring 2015 Young Engineers of Today. The goal of the lab was to teach soldering to all of our students….Read more
Seriously, Where Did February Go? FAIL February and March Madness
I really have no idea where February went. I am already a few days behind posting my March goals. Here is my March plan followed by what I learned and…Read more