Something that I have been struggling with lately is this idea of who am I? Not as a person per se, but more of as an educator. I have been…Read more
Mandatory Book Read: One Nation Under Taught by Dr. Vince Bertram
I have not posted many of the books I have been reading this summer for a couple reasons. First, I have not read much as I have been immersed in…Read more
Computational Thinking: My Summer Learning Reflection
I have been learning a great deal this summer on my own initiative like most educators do! Summer is a time to relax, but it is also a crucial time…Read more
Scratch for Arduino: LED “Sprites” in Action
I have been giving some great thought to the topic of computational thinking(insert paper link here). I really believe that this is something that can be easily integrated into any…Read more
A Natural Course to Roll Out Minecraft to Students
I have been exploring Minecraft and MinecraftEdu for the past few weeks this summer. It has been a wonderful and challenging learning experience to say the least. In that small…Read more
The Most Powerful Lesson From #MIEExpert15 US Forum at #ISTE2015
One of my items still sitting on my education bucket list is to attend an ISTE conference. I was so close this year being able to fly out to Philadelphia…Read more
Game Based Learning Reflection of Implementation
After four weeks of learning and actually applying game based learning I have a new appreciation for educators who use Minecraft/MinecraftEdu in their classroom. I have a new appreciation for…Read more
The Whole World Is Making Decisions On Data, So Why Not Education?
I was recently reading the article, Everyone is Listening, about the concerns of the latest Mattel product where Barbie can listen to your child speak and she will respond in…Read more
How Amy Poehler Taught Me To Be Better
I was reading an interview conducted with Amy Poehler and the following two quotes really resonated with me. In life, in education, in parenting, in whatever situation you are in…Read more
Creatively Thinking with MineCraftEDU: Creative vs. Survival Mode
Holy Cow! If you want to force yourself to learn how to play Minecraft/MinecraftEdu in terms of game tactics, building, crafting, etc. then look no further than survival mode. For…Read more