Eagle Learning Episode #2 – http://youtu.be/2pGHmpX-XkY Subject Matter Shooting Liberty Identification General Eagle Facts Native American current events in regards to eagle feathers Endangered List Lack of thermo system Sibling rivalry…Read more
bald ealge
Liberty and Justice: Snacking on Squirrels For Breakfast
This morning my son and I turned the Bald Eagle Camera on to check the eagles. My son is starting to be engaged in this wonderful camera and sharing things…Read more
Bald Eagle Project: Eaglets Day 4 Feeding of Coot, Rabbit, Fish and What We Are Learning
ALCOA Eagle Eye To The World: Bettendorf Student Showcase Night Part 1
On Monday, March 18th from 5:00 – 7:00 students who are part of the Bettendorf Schools ELP program conducted a student showcase to show off their work on their independent…Read more
ALCOA: Eagle Eye to World – How we started and where we are…..
With the recent excitement of two new hatchlings in a bald eagle nest located here in the Quad Cities I have been hit with many questions about what my students…Read more
Eaglet Day 4: Wind, Weather, and Day 3 Updates
This morning I have finally had some time to check on the eagles. Yesterday we were so busy setting up and getting ready for our ALCOA Bald Eagle Showcase night…Read more
Eaglets Day 3: 11:30 Lunch Time
Eaglets Day 3: Two eaglets are alive!!!
I woke up this morning to see that the nest had a new member. I don’t know when the second hatchling actually hatched as it must have been through the…Read more
Eaglet Day 2: Dinner for the Family
To wrap up the day of viewing the eagles I was able to capture both Liberty and Justice feeding the eaglet. As the sun went down, the second egg had…Read more
Eaglet Development: Hatchling Phase
We are on day 2 of hatching of the eaglets. One hatched yesterday and the other is very close to hatching. I thought it would be important to offer some…Read more