In a previous post I shared my insights and thoughts about the first 10 strategies in the book, How to Be Miserable. I wanted to continue to share my thoughts…Read more
10 More Ways To Be Miserable and How To Avoid Them

In a previous post I shared my insights and thoughts about the first 10 strategies in the book, How to Be Miserable. I wanted to continue to share my thoughts…Read more
Here at Bettendorf Middle School we were lucky enough to bring some of our teachers to a three day training conducted by Expeditionary Learning. It was an amazing three days…Read more
Tonight we met at the public library to discuss our second book in our little book club. When I say “we” I am referring to some wonderful teachers and staff…Read more
Here it is…. Our next book selection in our book club. We are keeping to the idea of books turned into movies so we can read, watch, and compare. The…Read more
I am reading True Grit again to prepare for a book club that I am running. I have also made the book club available online for anyone who is interested….Read more
Check out my new online wiki page. I will not go into great detail here on the blog, but feel free to check out the online book club site and…Read more
Anyone read The Shack? I am 50 pages in and it has not really grabbed me yet. Should I stick it out or move on?
We had an awesome chat Tuesday night with the author Jennifer Brown and her novel Hate List. I am currently making a video about the experience, but I could not…Read more