Here is a rundown of the books I read this week. Eyes Wide Open by Paul Fleischman – This is a book focused on climate change and the environmental headlines…Read more
Book Reviews
Coffeechug Reads: I Am Malala
I finally got my hands on a copy of this book after waiting patiently for months. I was captivated from the start by reading about her life, journey, and outlook…Read more
024: Living on Edge of Chaos – Book Discussion: David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell with Lisa Van Gemert

Today I bring to you a new podcast and one that I am very excited to bring to you. This podcast has been one that Lisa and I have been…Read more
Book Review: Instructional Coaching: Timely Truths for Successful Coaches by Tim Swanson
As I continue to test out Kindle Unlimited(not impressed so far) I am discovering some books that I normally would not come across. This book is one example. I am…Read more
Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Being, Wisdom, and Wonder
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Book Review: Independent Thinking by Ian Gilbert
Remember if you purchase the book through the Amazon Affiliate links all the money goes towards building a school. Learn more here and here. [mybooktable book=”independent-thinking-by-ian-gilbert” display=”default”]
Book Review: Deeper Learning by Monica Martinez
[mybooktable book=”deeper-learning-how-eight-innovative-public-schools-are-transforming-education-in-the-twenty-first-century” display=”default”]
Selling Autographed The Fault In Our Stars for Good Cause
Today I am heading to the post office to mail off one of my favorite books by one of my all time favorite authors, John Green. You might be asking…Read more
Coffeechug Reads….One Dirty Bowl: Fast Baking, Faster Cleanup
This is not a book I typically read or review on the site. I believe that it is important to branch out and read different books from time to time…Read more
Coffeechug Reads Frugal Isn’t Cheap
In Frugal Isn’t Cheap, Clare Levison serves up practical financial advice with a side of southern charm. Filled with real-life stories, it will challenge you to change the way you…Read more