Book Overview Rilke’s timeless letters about poetry, sensitive observation, and the complicated workings of the human heart. Born in 1875, the great German lyric poet Rainer Maria Rilke published his…Read more
Book Reviews
Coffeechug Reads and Does Not Read the Following
I am decluttering my life inside and out. This means that this website is undergoing change. I have eliminated a few things already(blog post coming) and one of the key…Read more
Here is What Coffeechug Read This Week
Another caffeine fix for your brain You can sign up for future newsletters and read past ones here Issue #18 7.26.14 Question of the week: What is your favorite recipe…Read more
Coffeechug Reads And The Pursuit of Happiness
I have a backlog of books that I need to write up reviews for. Lately I have been trying to read a wide variety of books. I am challenging myself…Read more
Coffeechug Reads One Word That Will Change Your Life
I really like this book. To be honest it does not need to be a book. You can find all you need on the website. With that being said I…Read more
Coffeechug Reads It’s Complicated by Danah Boyd
Coming from a background where I am a huge advocate of student voice and working with students to help them establish a positive digital footprint on social media, I just…Read more
Coffeechug Reads The Sketchnote Handbook by Mike Rohde
For this book review I will simply share my final Sketchnote of key ideas as well as my review. I don’t think the author would want a review any other…Read more
Coffeechug Reads Breakpoint by Jeff Stibel

I recently read the book Breakpoint: Why the Web will Implode, Search will be Obsolete, and Everything Else you Need to Know about Technology is in Your Brain by Jeff Stibel and…Read more
Coffeechug reads Ketchup Clouds by Annabel Pitcher

A goal this year is to diversify my reading selections and therefore I jumped back into the YA genre. I picked this book up based on title alone and it…Read more
Coffeechug reads How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big by Scott Adams

Buy the book here Another book that really challenged my thoughts. This book is written by the creator of the comic Dilbert. I have not really read anything by him…Read more