This post is more of a confessional. For the past year I have been struggling. Struggling to develop a focus. Struggling to take care of my mind and body with…Read more
Coffeechug #Superbetter Journey Begins

This post is more of a confessional. For the past year I have been struggling. Struggling to develop a focus. Struggling to take care of my mind and body with…Read more
I have operated a small Facebook group called Coffeechug Fitness Challenge for the last year. The goal of the group is to share what you are doing to say healthy…Read more
Over in the sidebar I have my three goals for January posted. I realize now that perhaps they were not the best, but they are what they are and…Read more
Earlier this week I shared a video after a race I completed with a promise to share with you the actual revelation and journey from trying to sabotage my own…Read more
Today it begins. A 24 day challenge where my goal is to drop a turkey. You can read all about it here and feel free to join us! What is…Read more
I have not posted about fitness on my website since June. It was one of the things that I removed when I decluttered my website. However, I have found myself…Read more
It has been two years since I have raced a triathlon and worked to get back into shape. I have a long way to go to where I want to…Read more
On Monday of this week I launched the Coffeechug Fitness Challenge. The goal is to connect people to help each other strive to meet their goals for fitness, health, and…Read more
I have been at both extremes of health and fitness. A few years ago I was in the best shape of my life, but it consumed my every waking moment…Read more