Have you ever been on Facebook and came across a video and wanted to download it to either share with others, use in the classroom, move over into a blog…Read more
Coffeechug Productivity
Productivity Tip: Presentation View to Battle Tabs, Tabs, and More Tabs
If you are like me, then you have a to do list a mile long of all these things that you want to get done. Now, not all of the…Read more
My #InboxZero System and How It Might Work For You!

This month I have been focused on decluttering my inbox. I have many things to declutter in my life, but focusing on one aspect a month has been good for…Read more
25 Day Challenge of Education and Productivity

I have a new challenge. In the month of March I want to post a challenge a day where people will be sharing out quick and easy techniques and tips…Read more
Developing a Logbook, Recording Ideas, and Sticking to the Plan!

Something new to 2015 that I have never done before is keep a logbook. I have become fascinated by this idea ever since I read Austin Kleon’s post as well as…Read more
2015 Goals: 31 Days Gone and 28 day goal plan

January has come and gone already. Hard to believe 31 days can go by so fast. I have been keeping track of my goals and doing things to help me…Read more
Even In Failure There Is A Gift

This month I have been working on using a new tool that I think is very useful and looks amazing. This tool is called Sway and it is one of the…Read more
Rejection does not matter. It matters what you do after being rejected.

I have been rejected for so many things in my life I lose count. Some hurt more than others. This year I am keeping track in a notebook documenting…Read more
The Gigantic Beard That Was Evil. Time to Move from Here to There

I decided to read the book, The Gigantic Beard That Was Evil, after my son was intrigued by the cover when we were at the bookstore. I like to read…Read more
When developing a lesson plan or unit ask yourself
“If we were to go this way, what would our success depend on?” Once you have thought through this question, then ponder, “How do you test this decision?”