This year I made an effort to make a more concentrated effort with making videos for YouTube. I was not making videos for views, but I was making videos to…Read more
Coffeechug Productivity
Using Evernote Moleskine Planner To Prepare and Plan in 2015
One of my main goals for 2015 is to streamline and be more productive. I posted an image to my plans for 2015 on Instagram and Twitter yesterday A glimpse…Read more
234 Posts and What I Learned from 2014? If Anything
This year I posted 234 blog posts. That is a lot of posts! I had a 23 day streak at one point and Monday was my most productive with 41…Read more
Time To Recognize What Is Important
It has been a long time since I have gone this long without daily blog posts. I am taking this month to gain clarity. Something that has really taken hold…Read more
Journey of a Growth Mindset

Earlier this week I shared a video after a race I completed with a promise to share with you the actual revelation and journey from trying to sabotage my own…Read more
Working on my #minimalist lifestyle
I have not posted much lately about how I am trying to live a more fulfilling life of less goods and materials and more on streamline my life to be…Read more
Coffeechug Daily Five: Week 1
I wanted to share out my latest project. This will be a weekly project of mine that I will only share via my newsletter from here on out. To help…Read more
Perception is Reality: Live It to Get It Done – Part 1

#ITEC14 Speedgeeking with Coffeechug Backchannel Q and A
During one of my presentations Speedgeeking with Coffeechug Version 2.2 I opened up a backchannel for the audience to pose questions while I present. I ran through almost 100 slides…Read more
Using Wunderlist to Organize Weekly Productivity