“No one really listens to anyone else, and if you try it for a while you’ll see why.” Mignon McLaughlin Yesterday was the second day of training on Formative Assessments for…Read more
Coffeechug Thoughts
Using Formative Assessment in Instructional Coaching Practice PD: Day 1 Notes
Today I attended day one of a series of eight days of training for Instructional Coaches. In the state of Iowa, schools could apply for a Teacher Leadership grant/money where…Read more
Coffeechug Begins Digital Detox Retreat and #gratefulnight
I have been doing different things this summer to mix it up a bit. I have refrained from a lot of Twitter Chats, education book reading, research, etc. I have…Read more
Writer’s Block Does Not Exist So Why Can’t I Write My Ebook?
I have goals and aspirations. I want to create quality work where I am asked to keynote. I want to develop high level workshops to help educators around the world….Read more
#TIC14 – Speedgeeking with Coffeechug Version 2.0 – Reflection and Notes
15 minutes after I presented a new presentation I have put together where the audience makes BrushArtBots, I launched a new presentation. Last year I crafted this presentation and it…Read more
Do not contradict yourself
This is something that drives me more insane than anything else in life and in particular the world of education. Don’t complain about students doing “x” and then among staff…Read more
PLC Training Mid Morning Thought
How great would it be if teachers could create their own teams that they work with to make change? Would that radically shift the operations behind the scenes to help…Read more
(this post is a cross post from my ALCOA Eagle Eye to the World blog) It has been sometime since I have last posted here on the…Read more
Classroom 2.0 Live Featured Teacher Presentation and Reflection on Student Voice, STEM, Teacher Tinker Time, and Pushing Boundaries

Saturday, May 17th I had the honor to be a featured teacher for Classroom 2.o. It has been a while since I presented online. I did not want to have…Read more
Reflection of Exhibition Nights for PBL
Our middle school of 1100 students has tackled project based learning head on this year. It has been a radical shift for some. It has had both the amazing breakthroughs…Read more