This is from NEXT SHOW: Saturday, May 17, 2014 “Featured Teacher Aaron Maurer” We are so excited to have Aaron to help us wind down the school year and ramp up…Read more
Coffeechug Thoughts
Conundrum of Student Voice
The issue with student voice is that in order to properly give students the opportunity to use their voice we as adults actually have to listen and give them a…Read more
National Honor Society Speech: So What?

Never in my life have I put so much time into one 13 minute moment in my life. Last night I presented my first speech of my life. I wanted…Read more
Teachers Save Lives Nomination Form #teacherssavelives
Last week I launched my latest endeavor in which I celebrated and shared my Thank You to a teacher who was so pivotal in my life. I challenged the you…Read more
018: Living on the Edge of Chaos – My First Keynote Speech: So What? (rough draft)
I am seeking some feedback. I doubt many students and parents who will be in the crowd for the National Honor Society induction ceremony reads my blog. I am a…Read more
Students Can Actually Think?
At the beginning of the year we launched a Choose2Matter project with Angela Maiers and Mark Moran. We developed our own #BettPassion projects and a simple search here on the…Read more
What are the shortcomings of project based learning?
I was searching around on Quora as I do for interesting ideas and conversations. One concept I never searched was PBL. So I did and I came across this thread: What…Read more
bow chicka wow HOW: Moving from What to How
Yesterday I delivered my presentation to my staff in an attempt to help them think differently about projects. I offered two HOW suggestions 1. Use the Common Core Appendices to…Read more
DLMOOC Round Table on Academic Mindset
I feel blessed to have had the honor of being a moderator for a panel chat at the Deeper Learning Conference. DLMOOC loaded up the video and I just had…Read more
bow chicka wow HOW
I am gearing up for a presentation to share with my colleagues for an in-service day this week. As I continue to morph this presentation I finally came to the…Read more