This is not a class lesson per se, but what I am setting up in my middle school is a Lego City Building Challenge. I have some base plates that…Read more
LEGO City School Wide Building Challenge

This is not a class lesson per se, but what I am setting up in my middle school is a Lego City Building Challenge. I have some base plates that…Read more
I am so excited and proud to share with the world this podcast. I have wanted to add more student voice to the Living on the Edge of Chaos podcast…Read more
Below is our first part to a global project that we are doing with 7th grade social studies. I wanted to share our experience so far because it has really…Read more
This past weekend I was home the whole time. It feels good to actually be home and not be so busy where I am in and out and missing things….Read more
In Your Face: The Future of Teaching With Google Glass Don Wettrick with Aaron Maurer I just wanted to shamelessly share a podcast I just did with Don Wettrick where we…Read more
This weekend I had to crank out a serious bike workout on my trainer to hit my goal weight for the week. During the ride I watched the movie Silver…Read more
I am self promoting my newsletter. I know it should not happen, but I am doing it because I can. It is my site and my world. I wanted to…Read more
When working in groups whether education or not you don’t want more than seven members. Through personal experience and also through various research readings this seems to hold true. More…Read more
School can be a game to your high level learners. They have figured out the system. They know how to do minimal work to achieve the grades and GPA needed…Read more
This post includes my thoughts, ideas, and reflections based on the content from #DLMOOC Week 2. Some ideas may not make sense unless you reference the source mentioned. Panel discussion:…Read more