How do we make “helping” the norm in education? We must start to work towards building a community where from the start it is okay and expected to ask and…Read more
Coffeechug Thoughts
Are Instructional Coaches Managers or Leaders?
As I continue to work through what it means to be an Instructional Coach and what exactly I should be doing I started to think in terms of many magazines…Read more
Mindset and Engagement Are Two Solutions to the Education Scare
As of late I have been feeling confused and not so optimistic when it comes to the education world. I have to take a step back because it was not…Read more
Don’t Forget To Help Leaders STOP!
“We spend a lot of time helping leaders learn what to do. We don’t spend enough time helping them learn what to stop.” Marshall Goldsmith This quote resonated with me…Read more
“You Can’t Always Test An Assumption……..
sometimes you just have to take that leap of faith.” Thomas Goetz(INC magazine July/August) In education we are told to test ideas, revise, tweak, modify, and continue to edit until…Read more
Symphony of Creativity
My son has signed up to play cello in orchestra. He is in 4th grade when this is offered through school. He is the first musician in our family. He…Read more
CCSS Until Students Hate Learning? Is It Worth It?
Hate is a strong word. I realize that, but last week I wrote about a concerning issue I have with homework. As I continue to think about homework and school…Read more
Using Wunderlist to Organize Weekly Productivity

Africa Story Part 2: School Supplies Are Heading To Uganda
Yesterday, we delivered on our promise. It has been a long journey, but one very important and exciting one that will continue to develop and grow stronger over time. Over…Read more
Useless Homework Only Results In Frustration
We are in another year of school. We have had a rough start to the year. Homework almost every night, homework over weekends, etc. Every night is a battle. The…Read more