I know, you are probably thinking what in the world can I possibly have to talk about in regards to the Eracism Global Debate project? I have blogged about this…Read more
Flat Classroom: Eracism Round 1: AMAZING!
This year I have students participating in another Flat Classroom Project. I have 16 8th grade students taking part in the Eracism project which is an international debate. A link…Read more
My Decision: Pirate or Ninja?
I told you that I would post my decision on this great nerd debate. Here it is. Let me know your thoughts on whether you would be a pirate or…Read more
The Great Debate: Ninja or Pirate
Seriously, I was posed this question the other day in the hallway by a fellow educator. Ever since this question has been posed to me I have been constantly thinking…Read more