This morning I had my second presentation at the #WCGTC13. It was the first session of the day bright and early at 8:00 am. This particular presentation I was more…Read more
Reflecting on my Global Classroom presentation at #wcgtc13 #coffeechugPLN
Today at the WCGTC13 I presented my first presentation. I am going to be 100% real when I say I was nervous. My poor wife had to read and respond…Read more
What do I think of the WCGTC after one day? #WCGTC13 #coffeechugPLN
Yesterday was the kickoff to the World Council of Gifted and Talented Conference. The conference contains over 300 presentations from 45 countries. It is a very diverse group of people. …Read more
Who are you taking with you? #coffeechugPLN
I am doing a personal book study with the book Taking People With You by David Novak. This book was suggested to me at the LEAP Conference and as the…Read more
What is the CoffeechugPLN Tribe reading the last 30 days?
One month ago I posted a blog post showing the top five blog posts from the previous month. As I have been working hard this summer to improve my writing…Read more
Teachers, it is time for us to embrace our profession of TEACHING! #coffeechugPLN
“Never create for today; How might we prepare for the future? …The world is moving and we cannot stand still” —@jbrettjacobsen I read this tweet today and could not help…Read more
Teachers stop acting like the gatekeepers of knowledge. Stand aside to let the magic happen #coffeechugpln
I have been going through a bunch of tests this summer on my brain to figure out some health issues I have been having. After an EEG test yesterday the…Read more
Help Needed! Passion Postcard Chalk Project #coffeechugPLN
I will be speaking on Passion Driven Classrooms at the World Council of Gifted and Talented Conference coming up in two weeks. I am very excited along with a mixture…Read more
Why did I create #coffeechugPLN?
I was fortunate enough to be interviewed by Vicki Davis for the BAM Radio Network. This was my first interview and podcast and I was nervous. Overall, it was a…Read more
14 Signs You Know You Are At The LEGO LEAP Conference?
Yesterday was another amazing day of learning and connecting. I decided to share a few things about how to identify if you are at this amazing conference. So you know…Read more