PODCAST OVERVIEW In this episode I am so lucky to speak with the Seshan Brothers. These two amazing young men have paved the way for anyone intereseted in learning about…Read more
LEGO EV3 Center of Gravity and Weight Balance of Robot
This video is designed as more food for thought. Consider creating a fulcrum to have conversation about weight balance, center of gravity, weight distribution, and how you can use these…Read more
Insights from the Robodogs Robotics Summer Camp
This is a cross post from a piece I wrote for LEGO Engineering. To me, this is a huge honor to have any of our work featured on this website….Read more
LEGO EV3 Programming Tip: Using Spaces
It is Monday which means a new Youtube video sharing something to help you or inspire you. While my daughters and I work on a new episode of our show…Read more
Rub Your Eyes, This is Real! FIRST World Championships
The sparkle in the eye. The one that causes you to stop blinking or perhaps blink a bit faster than normal. That moment when you or a kid…Read more
Damien Kee Lego EV3 Book Review: Chapters 1 and 2
If you work with Lego products, then you know of Damien Kee. If not, then you are truly missing out and need to connect yourself with this amazing person and…Read more
Robodogs season is underway! Lego EV3 and Learning
I have been meaning to get everyone updated on another great season of First Lego League. Our team has made some major changes to this season creating a massive learning…Read more
Challenging my Lego EV3 Skills. Master must become Student #lego #coffeechugPLN
I have had some time to investigate EV3 and all the capabilities. I have made it a mission to be efficient in this robot by the time school starts. Today…Read more
14 Signs You Know You Are At The LEGO LEAP Conference?
Yesterday was another amazing day of learning and connecting. I decided to share a few things about how to identify if you are at this amazing conference. So you know…Read more
Robodogs Robotics Camp
I am one of two Robodogs Robotics coaches for Bettendorf Schools. We have operated a summer camp the last few years where from this camp we create our FLL team….Read more