I scribbled a bit on one of the interview titles and share this on Instagram a few weeks back, but I think it raises a very valid point. How do…Read more
All this talk about giving students as many chances as it takes, yet it does not…….
work in the real world. I am sorry. Argue with me. Tell me I am wrong. BUT, the way schools operate you cannot continue to give them chance after chance…Read more
Mozilla #teachtheweb Course and Coffeechug Journey
I am tackling another online class of sorts right now. This one looks to be a good one. It is operated and ran by Mozilla which is my go to…Read more
In the chair of a student: Minecraft learning reverses my teacher role!
Learning how to play Minecraft with the teachings of my 8 year old son has brought me back to my school days. I felt stressed and not sure about myself….Read more
Online Tips: Cleaning Up Email Signature and About Me Page
I have been working on tidying up a few things to my online presence. The first thing I needed to clean up was my email signature. Here is what I…Read more
Are you using Google Research Tool in Google Drive?
I have crafted a short video showing the power of the Research Tool within Google Drive. This is something that needs to be explored more by teachers and utilized by…Read more
Learning Creative Learning: Week 2 Reflection
This week was a busy week and my reading and videos and thoughts were scattered among the chaos of many things colliding all at once. The two questions we were…Read more
A Future Problem of Public Education
If schools today are struggling to keep up with meeting the needs and ways of learning for this current generation of students, then how will we ever catch up with…Read more
Bettendorf, Iowa Students Eagle Learning Updates
The Power Of Flattening Our Classroom
I am currently running a Bald Eagle Project and I wanted to share a blog post written by the teacher who is participating from the Netherlands. It just goes to…Read more