Whew! We did it! Another round of debates on the topic of Revolution is in the books. This year proved much more difficult for a variety of reasons, but despite…Read more
Global Debate Project Pushes Boundaries of Learning

Whew! We did it! Another round of debates on the topic of Revolution is in the books. This year proved much more difficult for a variety of reasons, but despite…Read more
PBL is another of the many buzzwords in education. I have been a fan of pbl since I have learned about it and I really believe many educators were doing…Read more
You are in for a treat with this episode. My great friend and educational hero, Ginger Lewman, was kind enough to spend some quality time discussing project based learning, quality…Read more
I am really excited to share some amazing work of 7th grade students. One of our incredible educators from Bettendorf Middle School launched a project in her language arts class…Read more
Project based learning is hard. Anyone who tells you differently has not done a high quality projects that leads to deeper learning. The reason in implementing project based learning so…Read more
Learning does not have to suck. Yes, there are times when learning can be tough and not enjoyable. That is just part of the process. However, that does not mean…Read more
In my first post of this series I launched the reasons for why I need to discuss at length the topic of Deeper Learning and PBL. I want to move from…Read more
This is a video I put together to show some of the latest things developing in our school. This is a small snapshot of so many great things happening. This…Read more
Last week I had the amazing pleasure to step into the classroom of one of our sixth grade language arts teachers. Stephanie Maxwell has developed a project connecting project based…Read more
Today we drop the final part in our five part series showcasing student voice in an 8th grade language arts project. Please check them out, leave some feedback, comments, questions,…Read more