During one of my presentations Speedgeeking with Coffeechug Version 2.2 I opened up a backchannel for the audience to pose questions while I present. I ran through almost 100 slides…Read more
Play PD
The World is a Makerspace, Not a Classroom
We carry inside us the wonders we seek outside us. — Rumi I have wanted to write about this idea for a few weeks, but just was not sure how…Read more
Need Guidance and Feedback on Next Big Project in Education
I have decided to post my idea to the masses in hopes of gathering a few final insights before launching. I am stuck on a few items and need some…Read more
Coffeechug Experiments With DJi Phantom 2 Quadcopter Back Home in Hoosierland

Just this past weekend we went back to my home in Indiana to pick up my kids after they spent a few days with the grandparents. My parents live on…Read more
#TIC14 – Speedgeeking with Coffeechug Version 2.0 – Reflection and Notes
15 minutes after I presented a new presentation I have put together where the audience makes BrushArtBots, I launched a new presentation. Last year I crafted this presentation and it…Read more
#TIC14 – Tink Tank 1 – BrushArtBots
After battling bronchitis and feeling very under the weather the last couple days, I am glad I decided to make the trip to Dubuque to present. I was up late…Read more
BrushArtBot Presentation Reflection
Today I traveled to Johnston Middle School in Johnston, Iowa to present as a Master Teacher for Iowa Public Television. This was a small conference as this is something new…Read more
New LEGO EV3 Book Idea – Want To Help?
This week and last week I have been helping students learn how to program with LEGO EV3 software. They work and work and along the way I show them tips…Read more
Young Engineers of Today: Information Slides
Here are the slides shared out to parents and students about YEOT that I will be starting up in Iowa this fall. Young Engineers of Today Information Meeting for Iowa…Read more
PLC Training Mid Morning Thought
How great would it be if teachers could create their own teams that they work with to make change? Would that radically shift the operations behind the scenes to help…Read more