We are wrapping up our second week of working on the amazing #Choose2Matter project. As I have shared in a previous post, this project is causing my brain to ooze…Read more
#coffeechugPLN Twitter Chat Archive on Mindset Part 2
A few days behind due to a crazy schedule this week, but here is a link to the archive of our #coffeechugPLN Twitter Chat from Tuesday. The chat was another…Read more
#coffeechugPLN Twitter Chat: Mindset Discussion #2
When? Tuesday, May 7th Time? 8:00 pm central time Hashtag? #coffeechugPLN Chat #3: Mindset Chat #2 based on research of Carol Dweck. We will be diving back into the topic…Read more
Online Tips: Cleaning Up Email Signature and About Me Page
I have been working on tidying up a few things to my online presence. The first thing I needed to clean up was my email signature. Here is what I…Read more
#coffeechugPLN Twitter Chat 4.30.13 Mindset Part 1 Archive
Wow! Last night we had a great chat. As I continue to explore Twitter and run chats(this was my second one) I am loving my PLN more and more. Much…Read more
Coffeechug Twitter Task 11: Making Use of Twitter Lists #coffeechugPLN
Another popular question asked from our first #coffeechugPLN chat was How do I make and use lists? Let us start with defining and explaining what a Twitter List is and…Read more
#coffeechugPLN Twitter Chat Archive and Reflection
Thank you to everyone who attended our first ever #coffeechugPLN chat last night. The goal was to help teachers new to Twitter get a sense of a chat and learn…Read more
Coffeechug PLN – Twitter for Educators Task 7: Third Party Software
We are coming close to the end of this course on Twitter for educators. Hopefully by now you have started to become comfortable with using Twitter to connect and communicate…Read more
Coffeechug PLN – Twitter for Educators Task 5: Extra Commands and Terms to Know
Here we are moving forward on to Task 5: Extra Commands. These are just some more things for you to explore and get to know in order to be more…Read more
Twitter Chats For Educators
Before I get blasted by everyone telling me that there are lists all over the internet of Twitter chats I want to let everyone know that I know. There are…Read more