After presenting to my staff last week on some technology ideas and crowdsourcing I have been asked many excellent questions from various staff about Twitter and other tools to help…Read more
Crowdsourcing for educators slide feedback PLEASE!
I just wrapped up creating my slides for my presentation on crowdsourcing for educators. My basic idea is that today teachers need to expand their horizons and understand that learning…Read more
Flat Classroom: Netvibes and my PLN and CMP Reflection
Here I am several weeks into this program and I have already revamped much of how I operate my classes. I have my students working on wiki pages and leaving…Read more
Coffeechug Concepts Diigo Group, iGoogle, Symbaloo, and Bit Literacy Organization
As I have downsized my email accounts it has forced me to become even more organized in other aspects of my online life. As I quit using my email account…Read more