PODCAST OVERVIEW In this episode I speak with Jeff Robin, a former art teacher at High Tech High and one of the original founders of the campus. Jeff has a…Read more
080: Scott McLeod
PODCAST OVERVIEW In this episode I speak with Scott McLeod who is someone who has not only been a dear friend to me, but also a mentor and guide when…Read more
079: Stephanie Richardson of Eat Write Teach
PODCAST OVERVIEW In this episode I speak with Stephanie Richardson of the website Eat Write Teach. She is an outstanding educator who has so many clever ideas for the classrom…Read more
078: Courtney Carver – How do we become more with less?
PODCAST OVERVIEW In this episode I speak with Courtney Carver who is one of the leading experts around decluttering and finding a way to live with less to be more….Read more
077: Joe Morgan – Should We Teach Coding?
PODCAST OVERVIEW In this episode I speak with Joe Morgan, a Javascript developer, former librarian, and parent of two small children. He recently had a piece published on the topic…Read more
076: Colleen Graves – The power of understanding that we all have awesome inside us!
PODCAST OVERVIEW In this episode I speak with Colleen Graves who is a former educator and librarian who is now working with Makey Makey to enhance their projects, lessons, and…Read more
075: Octavia Abell and the bigger picture for computer science
PODCAST OVERVIEW In this episode I speak with Octavia Abell. Octavia is the CS Lead for ISTE and Strategic Advisor for CS4RI. She previously served on Governor Raimondo’s policy team and…Read more
074: Dana K. White and How To Declutter Our Spaces with the A Slob Come Clean Method
PODCAST OVERVIEW In this episode I speak with Dana K. White, A Slob Comes Clean, about her method for decluttering and how we can infuse her methods into our learning…Read more
073: Bryanne Leeming: CEO of Unruly Studios to teach code through active play!
PODCAST OVERVIEW In this episode I speak with Bryanne Leeming, CEO and Founder of Unruly Studios. In this chat we breakdown her new product to help students learn code through…Read more
072: Amanda Glover: A story of building an amazing learning space for makers!
PODCAST OVERVIEW In this episode I speak with Amanda Glover who is exploring how to create powerful learning spaces mixed with makerspaces. She is also a 4th and 5th grade…Read more