Yesterday I presented a short 40 minute session on Teacher Tinker Time. This is something that I have created in my school as an instructional coach. The goal is to…Read more
Teacher Tinker Time Presentation Reflection with Squishy Circuits

Yesterday I presented a short 40 minute session on Teacher Tinker Time. This is something that I have created in my school as an instructional coach. The goal is to…Read more
This episode is one of my favorite things I have done this year in education. As I challenge myself in the things I do, this is the next step. I…Read more
I have finally found time to answer and respond to all comments shared on the backchannel for my second presentation at ITEC13. I have shared the information below, but constructed…Read more
I always take time to reflect on everything I do. I reflect on teaching ideas, current thoughts, experiments, and presentations. I have found that the one thing that has helped…Read more
Here is the link to all notes from my first session Speedgeeking with Coffeechug. I went through all the information and notes from our backchannel during the session. I tried…Read more
Here are my two slide decks for my presentations today. Thank you to everyone who attended. If you did not attend, take a look and feel free to contact me…Read more
Be a novelty and stand out like a quail in your backyard! This post has been a long time coming. I am not here to offend anyone, but this is…Read more
For those of you who cannot make the World Council of Gifted and Talented Conference I have made my handout digital. This postcard is one piece of the Passion Toolkit…Read more
I am about 90% done with both of my presentations for the World Council of Gifted and Talented Conference coming up in a little over a week. I think it…Read more
This quote has been ingrained in my head the last few days as I piece together my presentations for the World Council of Gifted and Talented Conference. I am feeling…Read more