I am so pumped to launch this five part series about how a class of 8th grade language arts students took a project and made something happen. I was lucky…Read more
Don’t forget teacher confidence before authentic audience
Authentic audience is a vital component to any project based learning unit. As teachers across the nation strive to develop high level PBL I think there is one vital…Read more
Need Guidance and Feedback on Next Big Project in Education
I have decided to post my idea to the masses in hopes of gathering a few final insights before launching. I am stuck on a few items and need some…Read more
The Power of International Collaboration: Iowa – Africa
This will take time to properly develop, but I wanted tokeep a running log of what we are learning and doing.We have connected with a village inUganda, Africa where we are examining…Read more
(this post is a cross post from my ALCOA Eagle Eye to the World blog) It has been sometime since I have last posted here on the…Read more
Classroom 2.0 Live Featured Teacher Presentation and Reflection on Student Voice, STEM, Teacher Tinker Time, and Pushing Boundaries

Saturday, May 17th I had the honor to be a featured teacher for Classroom 2.o. It has been a while since I presented online. I did not want to have…Read more
Reflection of Exhibition Nights for PBL
Our middle school of 1100 students has tackled project based learning head on this year. It has been a radical shift for some. It has had both the amazing breakthroughs…Read more
What are the shortcomings of project based learning?
I was searching around on Quora as I do for interesting ideas and conversations. One concept I never searched was PBL. So I did and I came across this thread: What…Read more
DLMOOC Round Table on Academic Mindset
I feel blessed to have had the honor of being a moderator for a panel chat at the Deeper Learning Conference. DLMOOC loaded up the video and I just had…Read more
bow chicka wow HOW
I am gearing up for a presentation to share with my colleagues for an in-service day this week. As I continue to morph this presentation I finally came to the…Read more