Way back in the fall we started up a quail project where my 4th and 5th grade ELP students incubated and hatched quail eggs. This project has continued and we…Read more
Quail Update: 17 days old and ready to move
This week will be a big week for the quail. We have a pen all ready to go at the school so the quail can finally be at the school…Read more
Quail Update: 14 Days Old, Day In The Life In The Brooder
I have been documenting our quail every single day. I need to get everything up and running so people can see. That is my goal this weekend is to get…Read more
Time For A Quail Name
My lonely quail needs a name. Send in your suggestions and my classes will vote on a name. This is open to everyone! Loading…
Quail Update: 4 Days Old
Last Friday we finally had class with our 5th grade ELP students. They were so excited about the quail. We talked about what had developed since we had class the…Read more
Late last night when I thought all was lost I was surprised to find one still alive. I thought it was a lost cause to be honest and the reason…Read more
Quail Egg Hatching Update
Yesterday (Wednesday, October 17th) was the day of hatching. Based on the 23 day incubation cycle that quail eggs follow we were to have some quail out and about yesterday….Read more
Quail Eggs – T-Minus 24 hours
In less than one day our eggs are set to hatch. Check out the live camera feed at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/aaronmaurer161 Check back often and I will try to keep everyone updated. Students…Read more
Hatching and Raising Quail Project Update: Day 16
Just wanted to send this out real quick. Here is an update to our quail egg project. We are attempting to raise quail in class. This first round is teacher…Read more
Quail PBL: Incubator in my office!
In order for my 4th and 5th grade students to further understand bald eagles, we have decided to do a little project based learning with quail. You can read about the…Read more