Don’t overlook the use of LEGO EV3 Comment blocks for your programming. Over time we have learned the value in using these blocks to help organize, sort, and label our…Read more
LEGO EV3 Programming Tip: The Power of the Comment Block

Don’t overlook the use of LEGO EV3 Comment blocks for your programming. Over time we have learned the value in using these blocks to help organize, sort, and label our…Read more
This is an update to a previous video I created a few weeks back. I have been pushing out a wide variety of line following programs. The video I shared previously…Read more
PITSCO has finally released their next generation programmable device that I believe is going to push coding, engineering, and STEM experiences for students to a whole new level. According to…Read more
Are you ready to learn more about programming in the LEGO Ev3 software? Have you come to understand how to program motors and sensors, but want to move things to…Read more
Are you new to First Lego League? Are you looking to make sense of all that you have to do as a coach to have a team prepared to run…Read more
I am making an invested interest in myself as an educator to push my comfort levels of learning. With this challenge to improve my skills in robot building, coding, and…Read more
This year we added a new camp that is all about sumobots. This is a three day camp that allows us to work with a greater range of students from…Read more
Another year of robotics camp is in the books. We had an amazing week working with so many talented, smart, intelligent students from grades 5-8 who came to work every…Read more
The second day of camp always proves to be a bit of a challenge mentally. The day first comes excitement and all new challenges and building of a robot. The…Read more
This year of camp is off to a great start. We are testing out new ideas this year. First, we eliminated group work and gave each student their own robot….Read more