Today is the day we officially launch and let the world know that BMS Theory and Twitch the Robot are now live on many social media channels. If you have…Read more
Twitch, the Robot is on the Move!
There is something about the sight of a life size robot that piques the interest of people of all ages. The metallic build. The LED eyes, the motorized sound and…Read more
Hacking Mr. Robot
It is that time of year when your schedule is loaded to the max with projects, to do lists, and more. As we prep two teams to prepare for state…Read more
What are you going to do with that old tire? #tirechallenge
Seven students make up one of our three Robodog First Lego League teams. These seven students ranging in grades 5th – 8th have been working since September to figure out…Read more
Robodogs Robotics Camp: A Week In Review
Robodogs Robotics Camp Day 5: Team Challenge
It is hard to believe that camp is over. These last five days flew by. I was continually impressed and challenged by all 60 of these amazing students who came…Read more
Robodogs Robotic Camp Day 4
Day 4 proved to be a tough day. The last three days students have blow us away with what they have been able to accomplish. Today we launched for challenges…Read more
Robodogs Robotic Camp Day 3: Bowling
Well, today was another outstanding day. These last few days have been so good that we actually have to go back to the drawing board and change our plans for…Read more
Robodogs Robotics Camp Day 2
Wow! What a fantastic second day of robotics camp today. I am not exaggerarting when I state how proud I am of these amazing 60 kids. Today we started off…Read more
Robodogs Robotic Camp Day 1
Today we had our first day of our Robodog Robotics Camp. We had two sessions of 30 students each for each of our three hour blocks of time. We started…Read more