This post is way overdue. It is almost a week since the event and I have just struggled to find words. Not in a bad way, but in a way…Read more
#StuCamp What I Learned and How I Have Changed

This post is way overdue. It is almost a week since the event and I have just struggled to find words. Not in a bad way, but in a way…Read more
As our building continues to push forward with Project Based Learning (PBL) and striving to challenge our students and ourselves I have reflected on the many key areas we need…Read more
I scribbled a bit on one of the interview titles and share this on Instagram a few weeks back, but I think it raises a very valid point. How do…Read more
Here I am in the summer. School has been out for over 3 weeks and I am super excited about the learning taking place. Earlier in the year starting in…Read more
“It is surprising that very highly gifted children do not rebel more frequently against the inappropriate educational provision which is generally made for them. Studies have repeatedly found that the…Read more
Way back in the fall we started up a quail project where my 4th and 5th grade ELP students incubated and hatched quail eggs. This project has continued and we…Read more
I posed this question to some of my students for an assignment the last week and I think you will be intrigued by their answers. I have created a Padlet…Read more
Here is a video link to some of the student projects from our ALCOA Eagle Eye to the World Showcase. 30 students from the Bettendorf ELP program in grades 4…Read more
In case you have not had time to check out the wiki, Theresa Trevino and her class are doing amazing things in their school. They just uploaded a ton of…Read more
Here is an incredible inspiration for students who might like to be challenged to make a difference. Eric Dollard has been working on recreating the inventions of Nikola Tesla –…Read more