I have given two presentations over the last few weeks that each contained a section about me speaking on teachers modeling their message and how they work and operate. Throughout…Read more
Teaching Ideas: NASA, Space, Planets, and Moons #coffeechugPLN
NASA Haughton-Mars Project: program aimed at developing new technologies, strategies, humans factors experience, and field-based operational know-how key to planning the future exploration of the Moon, Mars and other planets by…Read more
Can we push our kids too much and too far?
Reading an article in Parents as part of my self experiment to push my comfort zone and perceptions I read about the issue of the amount of pressure we place on…Read more
Digital Citzenship CAN and SHOULD be taught to young kids
My son is going to be in third grade this fall and he has more online awareness than I had at any time in my life growing up as a…Read more
6 Key Ideas To Harnessing Our Power As Educators
Yesterday was the deadline for the Iowa Teacher of the Year application. I finally submitted my 20 page dissertation covering a variety of questions and a resume. This process felt…Read more
What Am I Teaching and the Problem with Students: They Can’t Identify The Problem #Choose2Matter #Quest2Matter
As I continue to work with my students on the #Quest2Matter project I am having so many thoughts running through my head. Literally, my brain is oozing out of my…Read more
Coffeechug PLN – Twitter for Educators Task 10: Twitter Abbreviations and Twittonary Tool
What do all the abbreviations mean? This was one of the many great questions from our first Twitter chat on Tuesday night. I am going to do my best to…Read more
Coffeechug PLN – Twitter for Educators Task 5: Extra Commands and Terms to Know
Here we are moving forward on to Task 5: Extra Commands. These are just some more things for you to explore and get to know in order to be more…Read more
Using Technology in Junior High Math: Learning with cell phones and iPads and computers OH MY!
My wife is a junior high algebra and pre algebra teacher for Pleasant Valley Junior High. She does not like to give herself credit for the hard work and time…Read more
Teaching Ideas: Eric Collard, Nikola Tesla, and Controlling The Weather
Here is an incredible inspiration for students who might like to be challenged to make a difference. Eric Dollard has been working on recreating the inventions of Nikola Tesla –…Read more