A great ride to finish up an amazing week of training. It is hard to believe that in two weeks from today I will be on my way home from…Read more
15 Days Remaining – Good Long Run after tough bike workout yesterday
This morning was a very important day for me mentally. My running has been struggling the last month or so and I have had to scale back a bit some…Read more
16 Days Remaining – 2 miles of swimming, change of plans, and ramblings of a soon to be 70.3 Ironman
I try my hardest to make sure that my training has the least effect on my family and especially Amanda. Hence the reason why I have yet to sleep in…Read more
17 Days Remaining – 6B46
I think this was most I have sweated during a run in a long time. This morning it is around 73 degrees with 80% humidity so it was not terrible,…Read more
18 Days Remaining – Another big swim workout
Back to the pool this morning. I was not sure what to expect in my swimming as I was quite sore from the run and bike yesterday. My knees hurt…Read more
19 Days Remaining – I Can’t Walk Normal Because…
I just took my body to its limit and back. I woke up at 4 am this morning and headed out to run to the Y to meet the CRAZIES…Read more
20 Days Remaing – 4 Days of Destrying My Body and Now It is Inner Focus Time
I have returned, barely. Four days off of training, normal lifestyle, and routine structure. Four days of acting like I was in my 20’s again. Three nights of staying up…Read more
25 Days Remaining – How I HATE BIRDS,WIND, and WALLS with every ounce of my body!
Today I woke up early and had to force myself out of bed. My alarm went off and I fell back asleep which seems to a be a pattern this…Read more
26 Days Remaining Pt. 2 – Sweaty Mess on Bike Ride on Trainer
Tuesday after my run of feeling like I had dead legs I had to get in another bike ride. To be honest I knew the schedule only allowed me to…Read more
26 Days Remaining – 6B46 Run
Headed out for a run with Jen, Emily, and Ben this morning. There was a large group this morning headed to the track for a workout, but I enjoy my…Read more