Here a few pics of my last few days. I just could not pass up the opportunity to share these! First is a picture of my latest tri product. It…Read more
60 Days – Taper Week, Easy Swim, Back At Peace In My Mind, Ready to Race
Woke up this morning feeling such a wave of relief mentally. I made it to the pool and it felt so good to just swim. Swimming for the sake of…Read more
61 Days Remaining – Taper Week – 6B46
My training plan called for 3.5 miles of running today. I just could not do it. I had to run my 6 mile loop. My legs were sore. My quads…Read more
Things to bring to Bluff Creek Olympic Triathlon
I have compiled my list of what I think I need for my race this weekend. For those of you who have raced before, am I forgetting anything? Things to…Read more
62 Days – Taper Week Begins….Swimming
I have my first official outdoor triathlon this weekend. It is an Olympic distance so a 1500 meter swim, 24.8 mile bike, and 6.2 mile run. This week begins my…Read more
63 Days Remaining – QCDC Half Marathon
What a perfect morning for a race! I woke up at 4:45. I made a post on FB that stated the following up at 4:45 for the race today. Race…Read more
64 Days Remaining – Bike, First Open Water Swim, and Half Marathon Tomorrow
Well, it was not planned to be such a big day. I slept in until 6:30 and it felt great to get some extra shut eye and actually sleep through…Read more
65 Days – Some Days You Feel Like A Dolphin
Once again, I had to get in a big workout in a short amount of time. Ava is still down and out. Actually yesterday she developed these spots all over…Read more
66 Days Part 2: Tough, Tough Bike Ride
Later in the day Ava fell asleep(she was way overdue). I decided that it would be a great time to get in my long bike ride of the week knowing…Read more
Training Before Robotics Competition – Days of May 1st – May 3rd
This post is going to be more for my own personal records. I need to get my training data recorded from last week before I left for Florida. I had…Read more